Have you ever noticed that too often, men
are willing to go against what they think,
feel, and believe because there is a woman
available to them?
And the thing is, the men KNOW that what
they're doing is going to turn out badly,
but they do it anyhow because they want
to be with a girl in some way.
By the same token, many men are willing
to let the women they're with walk all
over them and treat them like crap because
they're getting sex out of the deal (if
they're lucky, anyway).
Us boys have a name for this behavior.
It's called being "whipped."
We've all had a friend at one time or
another who's suffered from this condition.
He's a cool guy, a good friend, but
suddenly he meets a woman and he can't
go out drinking because he's gotta pick
her car up from the shop or take her kid
out to the park, or whatever task she has
assigned him.
And it's not the fact that she needs him
to do things for her, it's the fact that
he gives up any sense of what his life
was in order to please her.
The problem that comes from this situation
is that the guy often not only loses the
respect of his friends, but also the respect
of the woman he's with.
The very person he's trying hardest to please
begins to resent him and take him for granted.
This is why having rules and standards is
It comes down to a matter of SELF RESPECT.
People who have no code, no rules by which they
live their lives, no standards by which they
hold themselves up to, are weak people.
They look for others to give them an identity,
to give them a purpose.
But having rules and standards allows you to define
who you are and stand on your own two feet. People
who know what they are, and are not willing to do,
garner respect from others.
Most unhealthy relationships stem from the
problem of weakness in one of the partners.
Typically, women want a dominant man in a
relationship. And when I say dominant, I
DON'T mean the ball-gag, chains, and leather
whips kind-of dominant.
I mean a guy who takes control of the
relationship and is a source of strength
for the woman he's with.
A man who makes her feel safe and eliminates
uncertainty from her life.
But the woman aside, it's more about making
YOU happy. It's about having respect for
yourself and what you want out of life.
If you have a certain type of woman you want
to be with, don't lower your standards just
to get laid or whatever.
That's not respecting yourself. Go after the
type of woman you want instead of settling for
what you can easily get.
You'll be happier that way.
If you have a rule where you don't want to
date single moms because you don't want to
take care of someone else's kids - or whatever
your reason may be - then don't do it!
If you meet a girl, but she's a single mom,
stay true to your rule. There's a reason you
made it a rule in the first place, right?
In the end, having rules and standards makes
you a more attractive person, because it conveys
confidence and conviction, two traits women
always find attractive in a man.
And as you know, women are complicated beings,
and it seems most men are clueless when it comes
to dealing with them!
So let me ask you this...
If you have more questions about how to be
successful in your love life, what would it
be like to have all those questions answered
and enjoy attracting the incredible women
you've always dreamed of?
Maybe there's a girl you want to meet?
Maybe there's a girl you want to take out on a date?
Maybe there's a girl you just want to sleep with?
But how do you DO all this with the women you want?
Well fear not, my friend. Because answers
are here. And with answers, comes hope.
Listen, we all know what it's like to struggle
with women.
Sometimes you're too afraid to meet them because
you don't want to be rejected. Sometimes, you're
afraid to ask them out because you don't know what
to do on the date.
And sometimes, you might even be afraid to "close
the deal" because you don't know what to do in
the bedroom!
All of your problems can be solved with one
thing and one thing only...
Knowledge and the will to apply it!
In my time learning to be successful with
women, I've gotten to meet some of the best
dating experts in the world! And they've
taught me some amazing secrets to their
success with the fairer sex.
But after a seeing how incredible this
information was they were sharing with
me, I started to feel guilty.
Guilty that I was privy to all this
fantastic advice, and no one else was!
Can you imagine what it would be like to
get EXPERT advice from EXPERIENCED ladies
men who KNOW what they're talking about?
What would it feel like if you could walk
up to any woman you want, without fear,
and easily strike up a conversation with her?
What would it feel like if you could go
out on a date, confident that it was going
to end the way YOU wanted it to?
What would it feel like to be so amazing
in the bedroom, you've literally got women
BEATING DOWN YOUR DOOR to be your willing
love slave again and again?
When you literally FEEL that kind of
confidence around women, you won't even
have to work at getting them! They'll be
the ones trying to get YOU.
That's not a lie my friend, nor is it
marketing BS. That's the truth.
The great thing is that you CAN feel
that way. You can walk through life
powerfully, without fear of rejection,
enjoying success with beautiful women,
despite your looks, social standing,
or bank account.
It is possible, if you're willing to learn.
I have accumulated some amazing advice
from the best seducers, dating experts,
and don juans in the world, and I've made
it all available to the common man.
But it's not for everyone.
Some guys just aren't ready to learn these
secrets. They just simply aren't ready for
them yet.
If you're afraid of hard work, are lazy, or
don't want to change how your life is currently
like, then take the information you received
from my newsletters and happily store it away
on your computer.
But if you're committed to changing what
doesn't work, if you really, truly want to
have that feeling of a supremely confident
ladies man and carry that with you wherever
you go, then you definitely need to check
out this course:
Get The Art Of Approaching Now!
Here you will discover everything you need
to change your life for the better!
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