I know this may sound crazy to you.
You may call this a Boyfriend Destroyer techniques I suppose..
I am sure you may have that feeling of wanting that girl who already has a boyfriend.
Face it: If a girl is worth her salt, chances are she's already "seeing" someone.
This means you got some hard competition, buddy.
Have you ever had a situation where you met the girl of your dreams, and she was already taken by some other guy?
Well, here's the good news...
It IS possible to get the woman you want, even if she is currently seeing someone else.
Here's the thing:
If a woman is truly happy in her current relationship, there is NOTHING you can do that will make her cheat on the man she is with.
What does this mean?
Simple... it means that if a girl cheats on her boyfriend with you, then chances are she wasn't happy with that relationship anyway.
So now that you're off the hook morally, how do you go about "wooing" her away from her man?
Well, there are a few things you need to focus on if you want to get the other guy's girl...
The first is your INNER GAME.
This has to do with bolstering your confidence and belief system so that you become WAY more appealing than the man she's currently with.
You know the tricks and games. Teasing her, be very harsh to her (in a teasing way), never allow her a chance to get what she really wants(when she wants you to do something with her , you do the opposite or do things of your choice, be challenging to her etc.
The second is CONNECTION.
You have to form deep emotional bonds with a woman that will short-circuit her logic centers and guilt about cheating on her man - to the point where she just CAN'T HELP HERSELF!
It works well for me with a girl at my Workplace. =D
So if you want to learn the absolute best way to do these two things, so that they become AUTOMATIC when interacting with women, check out this course right away.
Disclaimer : I do not encourage this though. She may be attracted to you however, all the power is on you. Either you bring it to the next level, or make it clear that she has that someone. Might as well both of you guys know the limitation in relationships with people. ;)
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