I think you're really going to like this article.
I've been experiencing this and I decided to find out more about this little trick that I've been playing with women that I find to be attractive.
I call it the 'Eye Contact' game.
We do always look around looking at people right?
Try this game.
Capture the attention of a woman.
Any woman, and lock them in your eyes.
Look into their eyes until you got their attention.
Lock them into your gaze.
My personal find is this: Most girl I find, look away within 2-3 seconds...
(There is one hot girl that did not look away for up to 6-7 seconds before she look away and flinch. I later find out, this is not a good presentation.
Unless, if I smile and she smile or vice versa and our eyes lock. But I didn't smile. A woman will perceive you as weird or whatever, cuz you are staring at her without any action. That's awkward!)
Look at her, lock your gaze, and smile. If she smile back, or she smile first, that is great! You are ON! This potray your confidence to a woman. She is open for your approach! (I should be putting this article in the Alpha Male Tips category, but I keep going)
Here is an article by Thundercat:
'I'm going
to share a little trick with you that I've developed that really
makes it easy to meet a woman.
Too often, guys are simply too nervous to approach a girl because
of the extreme amount of uncertainty involved.
Think about it. What runs through your head when you want to meet
a woman?
"Am I her type?"
"Does she have a boyfriend?"
"Will she find me attractive?"
"Maybe she's too busy to meet anyone."
"Will she be receptive to me talking to her?"
I'm sure you can think of a 100 more things that run through your
mind when you see an approach opportunity come your way.
If you get scared or nervous when this happens, it's because of one
You don't know how the girl you want to approach is going to
respond! So your scared because the outcome MIGHT be negative!
Well, worry about this no more, because with this little trick I'm
going to share with you, you'll never have to worry about a
negative reaction again.
This little trick is so simple, ANYONE can do it! And it's a 100%
fear free tactic.
Ready for it? Good, because here it comes...
***The Eye Contact Opener***
We all know that eye contact is important, but something funny
happens when we make eye contact with another person. We become
COMPELLED to respond to them in some fashion. When it comes to
women, you can use eye contact to find out if she's open to meeting
you. In fact, in a way, she'll be opening YOU!
So here's what you do...
The next time you see a woman you want to meet, LOCK your eyes on
her! Seriously, just stare at her eyes, even if she's not looking
at you.
When people are out and about, they will usually look around to
keep aware of their surroundings. This is an unconscious thing we
all do. Eventually, the woman you're locking onto will look around
to scan the area.
When she comes to you, her eyes will invariably meet yours, and
you'll be locked in eye contact.
When that happens, simply SMILE at her.
If she smiles back, guess what? She's OPEN TO YOU MEETING HER. If
she doesn't, then move on to someone who is.
And when she does smile back, say "Hi!" And if she responds,
you're in! Go right into your opener.
I like to use this tactic in low-key situations, like grocery
stores, coffee shops, book stores, etc. Even though it can work
just as well in bars (as long as the light is high enough that she
can actually SEE you!).
Often times, after you smile, the girl herself will say "Hi!" and
then the rest is easy.
The next time you go out, do this to every woman you see. Lock
your eyes onto them and see what happens. I guarantee you, you'll
be surprised by the results.
And if you're looking for even more tactics and techniques that are
proven to work to help you meet tons of women, check out my book
The Art of Approaching! There is no other book out there that
focuses on nothing BUT how to overcome your fears and meet women.
Check it out right now by clicking below:
Click Here To Download Now
With the help of my book, you won't have to use the Eye Contact
Opener! You'll simply be able to walk up to any woman you want and
meet her right away.'
Wishing you success with women,
Approach any Woman you want and meet her right away!
Wanna know how?
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